
Taptapani, Orissa, India (Mar, 2010)

"Present to a nature admirer's eyes when in Orissa"

Ettina Bhuja (May 2011)

"Always remember the feeling that you get when you see me"

Ettina Bhuja, India (May 2011)

"After a long strugge, the river makes its way down.."

Ettina Bhuja, (May 2011)

"The climb to the top teaches perseverance"

Desert of Saudi - Dubai (Aug 2011)

"Dry desert with harsh weather but a soothing calm with the blow of the wind"

Maaklidurga - Lake, India (May 2011)

"Even darkness provides beauty which few people appreciate"

Maakalidurga, India (May 2011)

"The lake kisses the mountain to provide us this sweet scene"